This weekend we ventured down to Ilminster in Somerset for the Talent for Textiles event. We haven't been there before despite hearing very good things about it so we thought we'd make a day of it. The fair itself was superb with a select number of quality stalls inside the Arts Centre. There were some familiar names there like my partner in crime Liz with her wonderful fabrics and clothes plus the lovely Donna and her glamorous mum with their tempting fat quarters, ribbons and fabric. Before I arrived Liz and Donna had found some fabulous finds including some curtain panels designed by Hockney for Celia Birtwell! I found a stunning dark teal 20's dress in wonderful condition which I'll be taking to the Vintage Bazaar. After the fun of the fair we walked down into the town and visited the toy shop and sweet shop much to the delight of the little 'Darlings'. The town is a real step back in time with 'real' shops..the butcher, the bookshop,the sweet shop but best of all was when we saw R.A Dyers a traditional drapers complete with the best examples of shop fittings I have ever seen! They have recently launced a website so do have a peep! I have to admit to being quite overwhelmed by it all and asked the manageress if I could take some pictures, she was very sweet and said I could. The place was crammed with history and I imagine that it must have been very similar to the shop my Nana and Grandpa owned many years ago. Mr D also saw a bookshop up for sale so we both dreamt about moving running the gorgeous Dyers and Mr D becoming a bit like Bernard from 'Black Books' drinking too much wine and being abusive to the customers!!
Exam week
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