Thursday, 9 June 2011

This Week (couple of months!) I 'Ave Been Mostly.....

...continuing my obsession with feedsack fabrics and patchwork,

having a go at making a quilt for little ones birthday with the help of this,

drinking tea with my 'grown-up' girl, being a proud mum at my 'grown-up' girl's cushion making here,

making a dress for little one, going to the fairground at Nanny's

and lastly ( but not leastly! ) attending the wonderful Vintage Fashion and Textile Fair in Chipping Sodbury (pictures to follow....)

oh and yet again managing to mess up the spacings in my blog posting!!


  1. Love your quilt. Thank you for posting the Youtube link as I want to make Lara a quilt for Christmas but just didn't know where to start. The fabrics you've used are gorgeous.
    Great dress too - very sweet.
    I always mess up my blog spacings - I faff about deleting lines then when I publish the post it seems to string it all out again. V. frustrating.

  2. ha ha, blog spacing, always a challenge! Gorgeous quilts/textiles clare. xx
